Introduction to Medical Qigong

Introduction to Medical Qigong: Breaking Through Limitations and Following Your Heart

A Three-Class Series:
Each 75-minute class consists of movements (60 mins) and a guided meditation (15 mins)

In the Medical Qigong tradition, the heart is considered the Ruler of our Being, and is the wisest part of ourselves. When the flow of Qi (life force energy) is restricted, through the heart center, we feel stuck and unsure, or keep reliving old patterns. The practice of Qigong (Gong=“skill”) is thousands of years old, and has created a very efficient system to remove the energetic and physical blocks that develop in all of us over time. You will feel better mentally, emotionally and physically, and your excitement for life will return.

In the Medical Qigong tradition, the heart is considered the Ruler of our Being, and is the wisest part of ourselves. When the flow of Qi (life force energy) is restricted, through the heart center, we feel stuck and unsure, or keep reliving old patterns. The practice of Qigong (Gong=“skill”) is thousands of years old, and has created a very efficient system to remove the energetic and physical blocks that develop in all of us over time. You will feel better mentally, emotionally and physically, and your excitement for your life will return.

1. Class One: Clearing the Clutter of the Mind

In Medical Qigong, when the mind is full, it is harder to listen to the heart. This class focuses on movements and sounds that clear the mind of looping thoughts. Sometimes these thoughts are unconscious and come from other people’s expectations that can go back to childhood. By clearing them from our energy fields, we free up our more authentic selves. We also reconnect more deeply to our Eternal Soul and remembering why we incarnated into these bodies this lifetime. Then, we can listen to the wisdom and direction of our own hearts.

2. Class Two: Removing Stuck Emotions

This class, we focus on clearing both the physical and emotional heart. In MQ the heart is where long-term memories and also emotional traumas are stored. When we clear the energy of old patterns that create limitations, we free ourselves to live more in the moment and following our dreams. The meditation connects us to what our heart is longing for most in life, and our higher guidance can help us to find the path

3. Class Three: Bringing Flow to the Body and Releasing Chronic Pain

In the third session, we drop more deeply into opening and clearing the meridians and major organs of the physical body. Qi deviations, or when the Qi is not flowing in its proper patterns, caused by old injuries, illness, traumas or surgeries, over time can manifest into chronic pain. This pain can keep us from moving forward in all levels of life. Your Qigong practice can, over time, lessen the pain or remove it completely, allowing for more joy and living into our highest potential.

Please Note:

  • Each session is recorded and provided to the students after the class, so not to worry if you’re unable to be live at each one!

  • This series is appropriate for all experience levels



Classes in this series are currently offered LIVE (via Zoom & in-person) on Sundays from 10:00 - 11:15 am PST

3-Class Series: $88

Enroll in Introduction to Medical Qigong Series

If you would like to enroll in my Introduction to Medical Qigong Series, please fill out the form below and select the dates you are interested in attending. Once complete, you will receive an email with the physical address, Zoom link, and all the details.