Medical Qigong for Health: Level-1 Course
Medical Qigong for Health
8-week course includes:
75 minute Qigong class per week for 8 weeks
3 x 20 minutes lectures (verbal lessons from Elena )
Course Handout
Qi = Life Force Energy // Gong = Cultivation of Skill
This course is designed to give the student an overall introduction to creating a Qigong practice. You will learn the overview of Energetic Anatomy, be introduced to the concept of the five major organs and how to keep them healthy by removing stagnation and adding positive Qi (energy). You will also learn several traditional series of energy clearing and rejuvenation, as well as a more modern overall energizing series for the Western student.
Each 75 minute class integrates the positive movement of Qi (60 minutes) with a lying-down guided meditation (15 minutes).
Class 1: Foundations of Energetic Anatomy
In this class you will learn about the essential big-picture visualization of your energy fields, central line, and chakras. We will learn how to clear the meridians of the body and be introduced to the overall concept of what Qigong is and how it can change your life. You will overall feel and look brighter and more present.
Class 2: The Three Treasures
This class focuses on the location, purpose, and how to both clear and renew the three Dantiens, or “lakes” of the body. By understanding and balancing the Dantiens, we can regulate and energize the mind, emotions, and physical aspects of our beings. You will feel overall more stable and harmonious within yourself, and with others.
Class 3: The Taiji Pole
The Taiji pole is the central channel of Qi which flows from the heavens and from the earth. By aligning, clearing and energizing the Taiji pole, we allow ourselves greater access to guidance from our ancestors and clear the path for intuition. You will learn how this will strengthen your overall vitality and help you to reclaim the sovereignty of your deepest self.
Class 4: The Chakras
The Chakras (based on the Sanskrit word for “wheel”) are energy vortices that each uniquely aligned to different aspect of our whole being. You will clear how to clear the chakras and renew them with their distinct colors. You will also be guided how to identify for yourself which chakras are weaker and need strengthening, and how to create overall balance within yourself.
Class 5: The Wei Qi Fields
The three Wei Qi (“energy protection”) fields surround the physical form and protect us from many different kinds of invasion. By strengthening these fields, we are less vulnerable to physical illness, emotional cording and instability, and spiritual invasion in the form of psychic darts, media programming, and old unhealthy family belief systems. You will learn exercises to clear these fields and you will find yourself feeling more powerful in your daily life.
Class 6: The Five Major Organs
This class introduces the five major Yin organs of Medical Qigong and also Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Lungs, Liver, Heart, Kidneys, and Spleen. You will learn the basic anatomical functions of each as well as the emotional and spiritual aspects of these organs. After learning the full ancient powerful Daoist Five series, you will notice a new level of clarity and a higher vibrational level of your physical and inner self.
Class 7: Healing Sounds
In Medical Qigong, sound is used to purge and clear out stagnation. You will learn some foundational sounds to clear the organs, the Three Treasures and your WeiQi Fields. You will feel the power of using your own voice and sound to raise your own vibration, and notice how others respond to your clarity and well-being.
Class 8: The Inner Radiance Sequence
Here you will learn the full sequence of Inner Radiance Qigong, which is an overall practice to clear and energize all of the above aspects of your physical, emotional and mental self. You will look and feel radiant and more youthful!
What you will need for class:
It is beneficial to have on hand the following for classes:
— stable surface for standing poses
— loose comfortable clothing
— a cushion for seated meditation and breathing exercises
— a blanket and pillows for the lying-down guided meditation at the end of each class
— a relatively quiet environment for focus
Important Notes:
Each session is recorded and will be sent to all enrolled students, so don’t worry if you’re not able to be live at each one!
4 Video Lessons & download will be sent to you through the duration of the course.
This course is appropriate for all experience levels
Classes in this series are currently offered LIVE (via Zoom & in-person) on Sundays from 10:00 - 11:15 am PST
Full Course: $399
Enroll in Medical Qigong for Health: Level-1 Course
If you would like to enroll in my Medical Qigong for Health: Level-1 Course, please fill out the form below and select the date you are interested in attending. You will then receive a confirmation email which includes the Zoom link and more details.